Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Make Website Perfect and Responsive

in Today's time, a website must not only look good on a desktop screen, but also on your tablets and smartphones.nowadays and is in fact one technique you need to master as a web developer or web designer.

Creating a perfect website can put your business to a new level, and your website will be served as an online catalog for pro your product and service by giving offers to your new customer. Additionally, you can also market your business offerings to additional buyers by advertising your website online through paid ads, and in print you can also add on your website address to your business cards, you can inserts product details email signatures and other items.

In this article, I’ll show you how to simply build an attractive site and what to apply for responsive design techniques on your web pages in some easy steps.

Although a successful website isn't built in a day or a week, with a little time and effort.

Let's begin our tips for perfect and responsive website..

1. Plan Strategies for your site:

Anyone person can build a website and promote it. How does your website fit into your brand strategy? If you don't know, you'll find it more difficult to have a perfect website and your site could actually hurt won't look responsive.

Your website is only one source in building your brand on the Internet but you have to clearly identify your site's role with pictures. it is up to you that how you want to use your site as an extension of your traditional brand outlet, same as an online catalog for backup in-person sales efforts, to stand on its own as a source of revenue or perhaps just another way to get your company's name out there in any case of the income potential?
2. avoid making website design mistake

Great added content deserves a great-looking website. But a successful website depends on more than attractive color choices and pretty font style, and first impressions also count on the site.

If in first attempt user find ads and can not be able to see your website content they want or your site's not updated,there are that chances are you're going to lose that visitor forever. Website design mistakes can cost to loose your site visitors, which will also decrease your site's earning potential.

3. Creating Website Traffic
The most beautiful, well-designed website won't bring in any money if you're the only one who's clicking through the pages. Becoming the number one resource readers turn to online takes time, lots of solid content and a long-term plan.
Key elements you can start using on your website right now, such as targeted keywords added into your site's articles, product titles, product descriptions and text links, can increase your website's traffic and get you well on your way. These keywords help readers find your site more easily in search results, and keeps a flow of traffic coming to your site daily.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Biggest Tower In The World

After the tallest tower in the world burj kalifa located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.(2,716 feet height).

Soon the new tallest tower which has work under progress will be rising from desert of Saudi Arabia named as Jeddah Tower with the height of (3,280 feet tall). will open in the year 2020.
Estimate amount in the construction of this tower is $1.4 billion.

In the year of 2017 height of the tower was 236 feet (72 meter) high with glorious view.


This tower will going to be the crown Juliet of  Jeddah city with commercial complex, offices, homes and tourist attraction.

There have been many delays since construction started in the year 2013.till Nov.2017
because of Saudi Arabia's Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, a investor and businessman & Bakr Bin Laden
chairman of Jeddah Tower's construction company Bin Laden Group caught up on the charges of corruption.

However Jeddah economic company has confirmed that project will be completing till 2020 as Confirmed by CNN.

Facilities n this tower includes five star four season hotel, and apartments of 97 flats, added with 7 duplexes. 7 floor offices in which there will be 4 residential tiers which include 325 apartments.

Elevator will be reaching to the highest height till now i.e. 2,165 feet (660 meter), while the Double- Decker lifts can travel 12.5 miles per hours. in easy words this can take guest to 157th or 158 floor in 66.05 seconds.

When you reach to tower your already above 220 meter high from the sea level, therefore every floor has different experience in that building said by Jomah.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Biography of Rocket Man APJ Abdul Kalam

Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam (A P J Abdul Kalam):

 (15 October 1931 – 27 July 2015)
He was born in 15 October 1931 in a Tamil Muslim family in the small village Rameswaram on Pamban Island, in the State of Temil Nadu. his father was a boat owner and imam of a mosque.his mother was a housemaker.

kalam was the younger in all all 4 brothers and a sister in his family. ancestors of kalam were wealthy traders and owner of lands. with countless properties and large tracts of lands. his family business were into merchandising groceries between mainland and Sri lankan Island also ferrying traveller between mainland and pamban. because of the opening of the pamban bridge to the mainland in 1914 the family business of kalam failed and properties lost time by time apart from the home of the ancestors.

in his school life, kalam was having average grades but was known as bright and hardworking student who was keen to learn. he was spending hours and hours in studies specially in Mathematics. after his education in Schwartz School kalam went for his higher studies in St. Joseph college here he graduated in physics in 1954. in 1955 he went to madras to study aerospace engineering in Madras Institute Technology. 

After graduating from Madras Institute of Technology in 1960. he joined Aeronautical Development Establishment Defence Research and Development Organisation (by Press Information Bureau, Government of India) as scientist he spent 4 decades as a scientist and admin mainly at DRDO and ISRO  he was also involved in missile development. because of his successful work and ability he became to known as Missile Man of india he palyed a big role in pokhran - II Nuclear test in 1998. (the first test since 1974)

He was elected as 11th President of india in the year of 2002.

on 27th July kalam was travelling to Shillong to deliever  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Successfull Business Man "Mr. Mukesh Ambani" Lifestyle

Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani

The face of new emerging 18th wealthiest person in the world, Mr. Mukesh 

Dhirubhai Ambani is the chairman and managing director of the company which 

has Total assets‎: ‎1,002,406 crore (US$140 billion) of Reliance Industries.

Reliance has earned the reputation of being one of the Biggest private sector 

enterprises in India, a Fortune 500 company, and one of the largest private 

sector aggregate in the world. He is the older son of late Dhirubhai Ambani, the 

founder of Reliance Industries. Mukesh’s personal support in Reliance Industries 

is 48%.

Mukesh Ambani's home 'Antilia'

Antilia is the top residential properties in the world. The 

4,00,000 sq. ft. This Expensive building is located on Altamount Road in South Mumbai.

The wealthiest man in India with an estimated net worth of $22.3 billion, 

little while moved into the world's most expensive home with his wife and three 

children, estimated cost is $1 billion to build.

Top Reasons Behind Reliance Jio Brand Success
Since When Mr. Mukesh Ambani had been working on the JIO Infocomm Ltd since 2010. The idea come into existence when his daughter Isha Ambani complained of Slow data speed (we should be thank full of her to avail us fast downloading internet).
Jio was about to launch in 2015 but as the work was in progress it was 

made available only to Jio employers and their family members for testing 


But Jio was finally begin for the public in September 2016 and since then it

has been the Golden bullet to most of the data problems.

Please do comments and suggest any other categories or topics for the next post.

What Is Brexit? What it will Cost to UK

What does Brexit mean?

Brexit is a term  - British exit - refers to the UK leaving the Europe.

Why does UK wants to leave?
On Thursday 23 June 2016 A public vote election held by UK government to decide weather UK should remain or leave.

Citizen's Rights

One of the most politically difficult matter facing Brexit negotiators has been the rights of Europian citizens living in the U.K. and U.K. citizens living in the Europe.
The removal Agreement allows for the free movement of Europe and U.K. citizens until the end of the transformation period. Following the transformation period, they would keep their residency rights if they continue to work, have sufficient enough resources, or are related to someone who does have. To enhance their residence status to permanent, they would have to apply to the host the nation.

Who are Brexiters & Who are Remainers? 
People's who are supporting to Brexit. They say leaving will give the UK control over its destiny and will help it to utilize global economic opportunities beyond EU.
Remainers argue the UK will save billions of pounds in membership fees and get back to control of its economic policies and the right to limit immigration from countries in the EU.

Why hasn't Brexit happened yet?

Brexit happen on 29 March 2019. That was two years after then Prime Minister Theresa May triggered Article 50 - the formal process to leave - and kicked off negotiations. But the Brexit date has been delayed twice.

Brexit was happen on 29 march 2019. after two year Prime Minister Theresa May set off Article 50. this article is the formal process to leave or kickoff negotiations. but this date has been detain twice

What is next with Brexit?

Government of UK says they are focused on new deal agreed in EU summit on 17 October
If the sides fail to reach a deal, Mr Johnson could be forced to attempt a third Brexit extension.
if this side fail to deal, PM Johnson could be forced to attempt.
by the law of Benn Act The PM will not have to write a letter if MP's approve a Brexit deal, or vote in favour of leaving with no deal.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Solution!! How to deal with our daily life positive and negative energy.

You might have felt it. You’re with a group of people, and someone walks in with a black cloud hanging over their head. Their energy repels you, and because of that person you may find your own mood affected by it. There’s a clear lack of positive energy and you don’t know what to do.

So, how can you avoid becoming a stick in this negative mud?
Every single person in this world have bad days, but with few simple tricks you can avoid it. 

Here’s how you can find your own positive energy.

Why this is necessary to have positive energy?

Did you ever heard the expression: “Your attitude determines your altitude”?
The way we look on ourselves and the world around us has an huge impact on our experiences.
Being positive isn’t as easy as you think, but it’s well worth the effort. Why? That's because it 
has the power to give nourishment to our lives like nothing else.

Positive energy not only help us better enjoy our day to day experiences, it also impacts our health and relationships.

Positive thinking helps us to reduce our stress, improve our self physically and mentally, and drive us toward our goals and accomplishments.

How to get Positive Energy?
For some people positive energy comes naturally but for some it's not, This also depends upon our environment where we live with which people we interact this minor things also affect us to get negative energy easily

Here we have 9 ways to achieve positive energy into your life:

1. Do not reside on the negatives.
Things happens. But it depends upon you how you challenge it. If you choose to be the victim by what happens, your negative energy will gain momentum. Instead:
Stop digging yourself into problems if you already know that doesn't have any solution. Keep your thoughts always positive
Do not talk about it again and again than you absolutely have to. Don’t give it energy!
Search for blessings and lessons in the situation.

This may take some time, but if you stay busy looking for them, you won’t live on how something negatively impacted you.

2. Don't speak of your problems, diseases, illnesses or worries.
Don’t think or say: “oh I’m so sick, I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck! I don’t know how I’m going to go through the week! instead ” Do think or say: “I caught by some bug but I’m taking good care of myself and I’m feeling better every day and I'm happy!”
Don’t think or say such stuffs which will put you under negative energy: “This job is extremely bad! My boss is a jerk always shout and nobody appreciates me! instead "Do think or say: “I’m looking for a good job and in meantime I’m trying to learn as much as I can so I benefit and help me in my next job. In fact, my bosses are the perfect example of how not to treat their employees!”

3. Love and accept whoever you are.

As you are. Now.It’s easy to beat yourself up about what’s wrong into me, but how much energy do you give to your positive qualities that's a big question?

Do that more. But with each negative comments think 5 compliments also for yourself.  

4. Do not let go of the past.
(Be forgiving) 

You can’t undo anything with whatever happened. It’s done.

Forgive others as well as forgive yourself. Learn from your mistakes what you did wrong and, learn from others’ mistakes, remember that no unkind or thoughtless action ever comes from love leave this thoughts forever grudges, resentments, pain, hurt, disappointments, sadness, anger, guilt.

5. Do not judge others

Remember that when you find fault with, judge or blame others, let them appreciate be kind with everyone whoever he is poor or rich that will keep your mind peaceful and helps you to train your mind always be happy.
Instead of finding fault, judging or blaming, find something you can compliment them on.

6. Do not say yes every time when you mean to say no

Respect your needs, priorities, time and energy!
Save your precious time and energy for things that are meaningful to you, do spend some time with families, don't always be focused upon your work or in instances where others ask you to do some task, make sure that it brings you satisfaction and joy. Otherwise, politely decline.

7. Keep Laugh! Keep Smile!

Make friendship with people's which make you laugh.

8. Be grateful

Always appreciate whatever you have given by God be thankful don't compare and complaint why only me why not others always think good for others if somebody is getting success appreciate him instead of being jelous. Earn blessingsby helping handicap people's. That will make you feel great full.

9. Be present everywhere. 

Speaking of being present, be interested in what you’re doing, no matter how “boring” it may be.

Any activity can be made as interesting as if you are willing to make it interesting.

This will keep you in the moment and will keep your mind off your troubles and worries and focus on work.
Keep doing exercises it will help you to boost your energy and refresh your mind. 
What you guys do to boost your mood when you’re feeling down? Share your thoughts below!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

why Digital Marketing Is Important For Small Businesses?

Why Digital Marketing Is Important For Small Businesses?

When mini businesses get started, their focus is always often upon how to get their first group of customers through the’s only a matter of time period until customers will find their way to them. 
when this strategy may bring in a trickle of business, there are several best way. Small businesses should think about it the huge marketplace of prospects online. No small business, no matter how new, should overlook this vast marketplace in this world.

Advantages of Online Marketing

Customers that are found online is in big amount as compared to group of people than you are likely to be able to attract locally. Using digital marketing, you can reach an enormous audience in a way that is both cost-effective and measurable and time saving.

Other benefits of online marketing include:

  • You can save money and reach to more customers for less money than old marketing methods.

  • You can track feedback of customer and views.

Business Size Do Matter 

Big businesses with Big customer bases use digital marketing so they can stand out from the competition.

This Survey chart indicates how much important digital marketing was in the year of 2018.

“For Big organizations, your efforts and time to grow your company are based on longer sales funnels,” said Flynn Zaiger, CEO of , a digital marketing agency in New Orleans. “Using your digital marketing to help differentiate yourself will get you more leads and increment your close rate, essential growth strategy for Big companies.”

“Smaller companies aren’t known,” Borg-Breen said. “If you don’t get awareness, you will never going to get someone to buy from you. Getting a good enough base of people who know who you are is critical.”

What was the most important online marketing trends for marketers in the year of 2015?

So, what were the results of the poll? Interesting! Content marketing topped the poll for the third-year running and in fact it was even further ahead compared to last years since mobile marketing and social media marketing have refuse in importance as marketers have implemented these changes.

I hope you find it useful to check Importance of digital marketing in today's world, do add via the comments any other categories of digital marketing tools or examples of tools which you see as important for your business or your clients in 2019 and I’ll update the post to include them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

What's digital marketing?

Digital marketing is platform of promoting brands, products and various services with help of internet. This platform is vast platform as almost everyone comp in this world wants to promote their product's or company.
People's in this world are surrounded with so many digital marketing assets.
In short digital marketing is a backbone of every company hence it is the best platform in the year of 2019 .

In the past years no one was assure about what's digital marketing.
Growth in this career has started in India since 2017.